A Literary Feast

Posts by John Goddard

Where’d The Cheese Go?

Posted on April 18th, 2011

It was late January and I’d been in Portland all of two weeks. We do odd things to get ourselves where we need to be, especially when love has gelatinized the mind into a quivering blob of pure acquiescence. In this, my own state of fevered madness, I had inserted myself voluntarily into a room with free rent above a canine hotel in yon Southeast.

One Dalmatian

Posted on March 2nd, 2011

At some point in the career of the truly ambitious culinary professional, there arrives a luminous moment of epiphany in which it becomes abundantly clear that both personal development and advancement in the field will require some travel. This is especially true if you’re an ambitious culinary professional in the relatively isolated and oddly underexposed culture of the United States, a vast land with one foreign country as a neighbor (Canada does not count).