The Woods invite you in
but they never ask you to stay
the graceful couple you’ve always admired
and wanted to know better
thank you for having us,
you have a beautiful home.
conversation over drinks is brilliant,
specks of light on the forest floor
the children run away to explore
the hidden hollows of the house
and you are happy to let them.
then dinner:
modest and memorable
only recalled as a collection of sensations
rather than as a meal.
friends drop by unexpectedly,
and hold hushed conversations with the hosts
before rushing off
the Birds, casual and loquacious, but shy
the Deer, you’ve always wanted to be
closer to
and those more sinister and silent
who you never see, but rather feel
a mysterious and fleeting tingle
on the back of your neck
and the Woods eventually fall silent and
look anxiously at each other and have
their own business to attend to
and this has been lovely
but we really must be going
as you wonder nervously which room
the children have gotten into.